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- 프로그램 일정 상태
구분 | 세부사항 | |||||||||||||||||
참가 대상 | 본교 학부 재학생 | |||||||||||||||||
공모 주제 | 다음 1)과 2) 중 한 가지 주제를 선택. 1) North Korea and South Korea should compete as a joint team in international sporting events to encourage unification efforts. Agree or disagree. 2) Revising defamation laws would be an effective way to reduce instances of sexual harassment in Korea. Agree or disagree. | |||||||||||||||||
작성 방법 | 분량 : 1,000-1,500 words (excluding citations(인용 제외)) + Bibliography(참고문헌 기재) 양식 : 영문, 들여쓰기, Times New Roman 12pt | |||||||||||||||||
일 정 | ① 모집 : 04.02.월 – 05.07.월 23:59 ② 심사 : 05.08.화 – 05.18.금 ③ 결과발표 : 05.21.월 ④ 종합시상식 : 06.08.(금) 18-19시 | |||||||||||||||||
참가 방법 | 비교과종합시스템(fun.ssu.ac.kr)로 접수 및 서류 제출 | |||||||||||||||||
심사 위원 | Sarah Jang, Karen Thiessen, Amy Robertson , 송은혜 | |||||||||||||||||
심사기준 | Structure | -Contains effective background and introduction (5 pts) Contains clear body paragraphs (5 pts) Contains strong conclusion (5 pts) Contains transitional devices between ideas (5 pts) Reasons follow order of importance (5 pts) | 25 points | |||||||||||||||
Content: Argument | -Thesis is strong and easily identifiable (5 pts) All topic sentences support thesis clearly (5 pts) Argument is overall convincing and effective (5 pts) Essay is entirely comprehensible and convincing (10 pts) | 25 points | ||||||||||||||||
Content: Evidence | -Evidence clearly supports relevant topic sentence (5 pts) Evidence is from reliable sources (5 pts) Evidence effectively proves thesis (5 pts) All evidence is paraphrased or quoted properly (10 pts) | 25 points | ||||||||||||||||
Formatting | -Less than 10 capitalization, spelling, or punctuation errors (10 pts) Less than 10 grammatical errors (10 pts) All paragraphs are indented and balanced in length (2 pts) All citations are formatted properly in MLA or Chicago style (3 pts) | 25 points | ||||||||||||||||
시상내역 |
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